Sunday, March 23, 2014


For this weeks C4K, I was assigned to Leilani's post . In her post, she talks about why she likes to wear a hat. She says it keeps her cool and helps prevent skin cancer. In my comment, I told her that I like to wear a hat to the beach to keep the sun out of my eyes, and to help prevent sunburn.

Girl on beach

This week I was assigned to Esrah's blog. In his post, he described the best way to solve equivalent fractions. He says that you look at the completed fraction and the number in the incomplete fraction. Then you find a common number between the two. He seemed like he was unsure if this was correct. In my comment, I said I enjoyed reading his blog post. That even I get confused with fractions sometimes, but they get easier the more you practice. His blog would not let me publish my comment though, because it said only members of the blog could leave a comment.

3 out of two people have trouble with fractions

This week, I was assigned to Shayne's blog. In his post he talks about how much he enjoys his Netbook, and how easy it is for him to use. He talks briefly about trying to learn Maori. He also said that he enjoyed playing rugby, and working in groups of two or less, or by himself. He said that he hopes to get better at rugby, and at reading and writing. In my comment, I told him that I have never owned a Net book, but that he made it sounds easy to use and understand. I also said that I hope he reaches his goals of becoming better at reading, writing, and rugby.

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